
Designed by: An-Jie, Liu   Group: iGEM23_NTHU-Taiwan   (2023-10-11)

cDNA of 0101802

We discovered that the expression level of a circRNA, known as hsa_circ_0101802, exhibits a significant increase in the bloodstream of early-stage colorectal cancer patients.


Circular RNA (circRNA) is a type of single-stranded, covalently closed RNA. (Figure 1) In recent years, it has emerged as a focal point in the non-coding RNA field. Additionally, many circRNAs have been identified as promising diagnostic biomarkers because of their stable circular structure, which prevents degradation, and their abnormal expression in certain diseases.[1]

Figure 1. Comparison of CircRNA and Linear RNA.

After doing extensive paper research, we discovered that the expression level of a circRNA, known as hsa_circ_0101802, exhibits a significant increase in the bloodstream of early-stage colorectal cancer patients. Moreover, it demonstrates high specificity and sensitivity.[2] Therefore, hsa_circ_0101802 holds the potential to serve as a valuable biomarker for diagnosis. In pursuit of this goal, we have registered a complementary DNA sequence for hsa_circ_0101802.[3]


We found the sequence in circBank and copied it.[3]


1. Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Zhou, S., Dain, L., Mei, L., & Zhu, G. (2022). Circular RNA: An emerging frontier in RNA therapeutic targets, RNA therapeutics, and mRNA vaccines. *Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society*, *348*, 84–94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.05.043
2. Xie, Y., Li, J., Li, P., Li, N., Zhang, Y., Binang, H., Zhao, Y., Duan, W., Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Du, L., & Wang, C. (2020). RNA-Seq Profiling of Serum Exosomal Circular RNAs Reveals Circ-PNN as a Potential Biomarker for Human Colorectal Cancer. *Frontiers in oncology*, *10*, 982. https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2020.00982
3. http://www.circbank.cn/search.html?selectValue=hsa_circ_0101802
